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Become A Dealer

Join our growing network of trusted BlackVue stockists and grow your business

become dealer hero

Become and authorised BlackVue retailer and gain access to exclusive promotions offered by BlackVue.

Under the program, you will gain exposure to customers by being listed on the BlackVue website.

How it works

  1. Fill out the online application.
  2. We will review your application.
  3. Upon acceptance, we will send you the reseller agreement and other required forms via email.
  4. Retailer returns signed agreement forms.
  5. Retailer is listed on the BlackVue website and starts receiving exclusive promotions.

Company Information

Contact Information

Business Profile

Other Information

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Find a dealer near you

With a network of retailers Australia wide, you won’t have to go far to find BlackVue.